What's new in Swift 5.1

Already under its beta version, Swift 5.1 has introduced many of the keystone features.
Let's begin with the list:

Improved synthesized memberwise initializers

SE-0242 introduces major improvements to one of Swift’s most commonly used features: memberwise initializers for structs.

In earlier versions of Swift, a memberwise initializer was automatically created to accept parameters matching the properties of a struct, like this:
struct User {
    var name: String
    var address: String = "Not found"

let obj = User(name: "Darshan Joshi", address: "myblog")

With Swift 5.1 this has been enhanced so that the memberwise initializer now uses default parameter values for any properties that have them. In the User struct, we’ve given address a default value of "Not found", which means we can either specify it or leave it to the memberwise initializer:

Implicit returns from single-expression functions

SE-0255 has a nice improvement in terms of consistency, and a big factor when it comes to how lightweight SwiftUI’s API feels — is the fact that the return keyword can now be omitted for single-expression functions.

In previous versions of Swift, single-line closures that returned a value you could omit the return keyword because the only line of code that was there must be the one that returned value. So, these two pieces of code were identical:

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3].map { $0 * 2 }
let arr2 = [1, 2, 3].map { return $0 * 2 }

In Swift 5.1, this behavior has now been extended to functions as well: if they contain a single expression – effectively a single piece of code that evaluates to a value – then you can leave off the returnkeyword, like this:

func double(_ number: Int) -> Int {
    number * 2

That will probably cause some people to do a double take at first, but I’m sure it will become second nature over time.

Universal Self

SE-0068 expands Swift’s use of Self so that it refers to the containing type when used inside classes, structs, and enums. This is particularly useful for dynamic types, where the exact type of something needs to be determined at runtime.
As an example, consider this code:
class NetworkManager {
    class var timeOut: Int {
        return 4

    func printDebugData() {
        print("Maximum network requests: \(NetworkManager.timeOut).")
That declares a static timeOut property for a network manager, and adds a printDebugData() method to print the static property. That works fine right now, but when NetworkManager has subclassed things become more complicated:
class ThrottledNetworkManager: NetworkManager {
    override class var timeOut: Int {
        return 2
That subclass changes timeOut so that it allows only 2 timeout value, but if we call printDebugData() it will print out the value from its parent class:
let manager = ThrottledNetworkManager()
That should print out 2 rather than 4, and that’s where SE-0068 comes in: we can now write Self (with a capital S) to refer to the current type. So, we can rewrite printDebugData() to this:
class ImprovedNetworkManager {
    class var timeOut: Int {
        return 4

    func printDebugData() {
        print("Maximum network requests: \(Self.timeOut).")

This means Self works the same way as it did for protocols in earlier Swift versions.

Opaque return types

SE-0244 introduces the concept of opaque types into Swift. An opaque type is one where we’re told about the capabilities of an object without knowing specifically what kind of object it is.
At first glance that sounds a lot like a protocol, but opaque return types take the concept of protocols significantly further because are able to work with associated types, they require the same type to be used internally each time, and they allow us to hide implementation details.
As an example, if we wanted to launch different kinds of fighters from a Rebel base we might write code like this:
protocol Fighter { }
struct XWing: Fighter { }

func launchFighter() -> Fighter {
    return XWing()

let red5 = launchFighter()
Whoever calls that function knows it will return some sort of Fighter but doesn’t know precisely what. As a result, we could add struct YWing: Fighter { } or other types, and have any of them be returned.
But there’s a problem: what if we wanted to check whether a specific fighter was Red 5? You might think the solution is to make Fighter conform to the Equatable protocol so we can use ==. However, as soon as you do that Swift will throw up a particularly dreaded error for the launchFighter function: “Protocol 'Fighter' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.”
The “Self” part of that error is what is hitting us here. The Equatable protocol has to compare two instances of itself (“Self”) to see whether they are the same, but Swift has no guarantee that the two equitable things are remotely the same – we could be comparing a Fighter with an array of integers, for example.
Opaque types solve this problem because even though we just see a protocol being used, internally the Swift compiler knows exactly what that protocol actually resolves to – it knows it’s an XWing, an array of strings, or whatever.
To send back an opaque type, use the keyword some before your protocol name:
func launchOpaqueFighter() -> some Fighter {
    return XWing()
From the caller’s perspective that still gets back a Fighter, which might be an XWing, a YWing, or something else that conforms to the Fighter protocol. But from the compiler’s perspective, it knows exactly what is being returned, so it can make sure we follow all the rules correctly.
For example, consider a function that returned some Equatable like this:
func makeInt() -> some Equatable {
    Int.random(in: 1...10)
When we call that, all we know is that it is some sort of Equatable value, however, if call it twice then we can compare the results of those two calls because Swift knows for sure it will be the same underlying type:
let int1 = makeInt()
let int2 = makeInt()
print(int1 == int2)
The same is not true if we had a second function that returned some Equatable, like this:
func makeString() -> some Equatable {
Even though from our perspective both send us back an Equatable type, and we can compare the results of two calls to makeString() or two calls to makeInt(), Swift won’t let us compare the return value of makeString() to the return value of makeInt() because it knows comparing a string and an integer doesn’t make any sense.

Static and class subscripts

SE-0254 adds the ability to mark subscripts as being static, which means they apply to types instead of instances of a type.
Static properties and methods are used when one set of values is shared between all instances of that type. For example, if you had one centralized type to store your app settings, you might write code like this:
public enum OldSettings {
    private static var values = [String: String]()

    static func get(_ name: String) -> String? {
        return values[name]

    static func set(_ name: String, to newValue: String?) {
        print("Adjusting \(name) to \(newValue ?? "nil")")
        values[name] = newValue

OldSettings.set("Captain", to: "Gary")
OldSettings.set("Friend", to: "Mooncake")
print(OldSettings.get("Captain") ?? "Unknown")
Wrapping the dictionary inside a type means that we can control access more carefully, and using an enum with no cases means we can’t try to instantiate the type – we can’t make various instances of Settings.
With Swift 5.1 we can now use a static subscript instead, allowing us to rewrite our code to this:
public enum NewSettings {
    private static var values = [String: String]()

    public static subscript(_ name: String) -> String? {
        get {
            return values[name]
        set {
            print("Adjusting \(name) to \(newValue ?? "nil")")
            values[name] = newValue

NewSettings["Captain"] = "Gary"
NewSettings["Friend"] = "Mooncake"
print(NewSettings["Captain"] ?? "Unknown")
Custom subscripts like this have always been possible for instances of types; this improvement makes static or class subscripts possible too.

Warnings for ambiguous none cases

Swift’s optionals are implemented as an enum of two cases: some and none. This gave rise to the possibility of confusion if we created our own enums that had a none case, then wrapped that inside an optional.
For example:
enum BorderStyle {
    case none
    case solid(thickness: Int)
Used as a non-optional this was always clear:
let border1: BorderStyle = .none
That will print “none”. But if we used an optional for that enum – if we didn’t know what border style to use – then we’d hit problems:
let border2: BorderStyle? = .none
That prints “nil”, because Swift assumes .none means the optional is empty, rather than an optional with the value BorderStyle.none.
In Swift 5.1 this confusion now prints a warning: “Assuming you mean 'Optional.none'; did you mean 'BorderStyle.none' instead?” This avoids the source compatibility breakage of an error, but at least informs developers that their code might not quite mean what they thought.

Matching optional enums against non-optionals with patern matching

Swift has always been smart enough to handle switch/case pattern matching between optionals and non-optionals for strings and integers, but before Swift 5.1 that wasn’t extended to enums.
Well, in Swift 5.1 we can now use switch/case pattern matching to match optional enums with non-optionals, like this:
enum BuildStatus {
    case starting
    case inProgress
    case complete

let status: BuildStatus? = .inProgress

switch status {
case .inProgress:
    print("Build is starting…")
case .complete:
    print("Build is complete!")
    print("Some other build status")
Swift is able to compare the optional enum directly with the non-optional cases, so that code will print “Build is starting…”

Ordered collection diffing

SE-0240 introduces the ability to calculate and apply the differences between ordered collections. This could prove particularly interesting for developers who have complex collections in table views, where they want to add and remove lots of items smoothly using animations.
The basic principle is straightforward: Swift 5.1 gives us a new difference(from:) method that calculates the differences between two ordered collections – what items to remove and what items to insert. This can be used with any ordered collection that contains Equatable elements.
To demonstrate this, we can create an array of scores, calculate the difference from one to the other, then loop over those differences and apply each one to make our two collections the same.
Note: Because Swift now ships inside Apple’s operating systems, new features like this one must be used with an #available check to make sure the code is being run on an OS that includes the new functionality. For features that will land in an unknown, unannounced operating system shipping at some point in the future, a special version number of “9999” is used to mean “we don’t know what the actual number is just yet.”
Here’s the code:
var scores1 = [100, 91, 95, 98, 100]
let scores2 = [100, 98, 95, 91, 100]
if #available(iOS 9999, *) {
let diff = scores2.difference(from: scores1)
for change in diff {
switch change {
case .remove(let offset, _, _):
scores1.remove(at: offset)
case .insert(let offset, let element, _):
scores1.insert(element, at: offset)
For more advanced animations, you can use the third value of the changes: associatedWith. So, rather than using .insert(let offset, let element, _) above you might write .insert(let offset, let element, let associatedWith) instead. This lets you track pairs of changes at the same time: moving an item two places down in your collection is a removal then an insertion, but the associatedWith value ties those two changes together so you treat it as a move instead.
Rather than applying changes by hand, you can apply the whole collection using a new applying() method, like this:
if #available(iOS 9999, *) {
let diff = scores2.difference(from: scores1)
let result = scores1.applying(diff) ?? []

Creating uninitialized arrays

SE-0245 introduces a new initializer for arrays that doesn’t pre-fill values with a default. This was previously available as a private API, which meant Xcode wouldn’t list it in its code completion but you could still use it if you wanted – and if you were happy to take the risk that it wouldn’t be withdrawn in the future!
To use the initializer, tell it the capacity you want, then provide a closure to fill in the values however you need. Your closure will be given an unsafe mutable buffer pointer where you can write your values, as well as an inout second parameter that lets you report back how many values you actually used.
For example, we could make an array of 10 random integers like this:

let randomNumbers = Array<Int>(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: 10) { buffer, initializedCount in
    for x in 0..<10 {
        buffer[x] = Int.random(in: 0...10)

    initializedCount = 10
There are some rules here:
  1. You don’t need to use all the capacity you ask for, but you can’t go over capacity. So, if you ask for a capacity of 10 you can set initializedCount to 0 through 10, but not 11.
  2. If you don’t initialize elements that end up being in your array – for example if you set initializedCount to 5 but don’t actually provide values for elements 0 through 4 – then they are likely to be filled with random data. This is A Bad Idea.
  3. If you don’t set initializedCount it will be 0, so any data you assigned will be lost.
Now, we could have rewritten the above code using map(), like this:
let randomNumbers2 = (0...9).map { _ in Int.random(in: 0...10) }
That’s certainly easier to read, but it’s less efficient: it creates a range, creates a new empty array, sizes it up to the correct amount, loops over the range, and calls the closure once for each range item.


What's New In Swift was originally written by Paul Hudson. If you have questions or comments you can tweet @twostraws or email paul@hackingwithswift.com.


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